Delete every file except some
There are different solution to this task. The most common are:
rm * | grep -v [pattern to ignore]
for i in `ls * | grep -v [pattern to ignore]` do do something here done
find . ! -name u ! -name p -maxdepth 1 -type f -delete
and many others, but the most clean and elegant solution is…
rm !(file1 | file2)
NB: If you try this latter solution in a bash script you'll find out it's not working unless you enable the extended pattern matching.
#extended pattern matching on shopt -s extglob rm -f !(file1 | file2) #or recursive rm -rf !(file1 | file2) #extended pattern matching off shopt -u extglob
linux/bash/delete-every-file-except-some.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/12 17:17 by rik